Friday, 29 June 2018


Visualization is a technique of using images, diagrams, pictures, charts in order to make the written or theoretical content more presentable.
Visualization not only makes the content more presentable but also helps to bring clarity to the content. It is mostly used in advertising termed as graphics visualization. Usually in order to clear a product to the audience companies take the help of advertisements which are supported by graphics visualization. In today's era visualization plays a very significant role. It acts a creative way to make concepts more clear.
Apart from making concepts clear visualization is also a time saver. Earlier to make things clear to people theoretical data was used which took a lot of time as data had to be typed or written manually.
And still it was not a surety that what had been written will be understood by the people. But since visualization has come into existence the written content has been replaced by images, animations, diagrams, charts etc. And such aspects have made a huge impact on the minds of a lay man for understanding any concept which is far away from his knowledge.


From the childhood, we always tend to listen to things our parents or grandparents used to say "You Can't See the Future". Yes, it quite right, the future is unpredictable. But no one told you can't imagine the future. Basically, visualization is an imaginary representation of the things we imagine.
Visualization is a technique where you lay down and use your mental imaginary strength to visualize things. We believe that we can achieve certain goals by programming such images in mind. Why is that important? What makes visualization a helpful technique to make things little handier? So here comes the answer, because this generation looks forward to things which tend to give us a pleasing representation so with what you want to do with your life and what life you want to lead and live life to the fullest. That is where visualization tends to make things much easier for you to go out and take things to the action. From losing weight or improving your diet or earning lots of money or starting a new relationship you need to put anything extra, some extra effort or extra initiative in order to achieve extra, that's where visualization comes into action and makes your to mind to get soaked in imaginary images which keeps you motivated.         
Everyone has some problems in their lives which always pulls you back anyways and restricts you achieve the certain goals you planned for your better tomorrow, So here visualization comes into action and creates an image in your mind which helps you to work on your image you create for yourself in context with worldview. You may have heard people say “I can run this marathon in no time". They are never, ever going to achieve these things because they are not capable of imagining themselves achieving them. Everything that was ever created or achieved first started as an idea in someone’s mind like from the electric bulb to graham bell's invention of the telephone. Everything that was ever created or achieved first started as an idea in someone’s mind. Usually, in response to some need or some desire, an idea took hold and the person began focusing mental energy on it. The idea built on itself as the mental energy became infused with emotions. This makes a person's mind to get soaked in something worth putting extra effort on.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Domain of Technology and Cyber security

                                   Domain of Technology and Cyber security

Technology is a word that defines all the aspects of our day to day life, our daily chores. Day starts with alarm clock, toaster, RO water, vehicle, laptop, mobile phone, microwave, coffee maker, etc. Everything is done on a single voice command. And in the world of continuous involvement of hands on techno-literacy rate, people are too much aware of all the great things that could be done. Becoming social media hype has become a see-saw game for youngsters.
      The whole point of rise in technical support is to make lifestyles comfortable enough to encourage least possibility of movement. Everything to be done just over a click!
      To ensure the safety of a person's official and personal details, there is mostly a provision of services that allow the security from outer thefts. The password safety is the best to ensure the safety of profile data. And every online website provides it for the protection their customers.
       Recently, there was news of personal information of millions of users being procured without their consent. This was one of the biggest security breach committed. The entire greatest and biggest social media sites were sued for their irresponsible privacy policies. And European Privacy Law was brought into enforcement for transparent the whole process. And still the chaos is being done right. There are still pop-ups saying "we have updated our privacy policy" all across the World Wide Web.
       The thing that ponders me every time is that, cyber security has always been under a question. And, is it always the fault of the service provider? Or is it the users who should be blamed for their hideous subtle criminal mindsets? The battle will always go on, because humans cannot sit hands over hands. There exists a conspicuous race that goes on continuously between defeating the machines that are being made powerful daily.

Sunday, 10 June 2018



What are solar panels?
Photovoltaic solar panels are responsible for generating electricity using the most renewable source of energy that is sunlight. PV modules consist of 6×10 photovoltaic solar cells combined together. Each of the solar cells consists of several compartments as named below:
·        Glasscomprising front of solar panels
·        Aluminium comprising of frame
·        Synthetic material used to seal in the silicon
·        Silicon solar cells
·        Metal
Solar panel consists of large no. Compartments hence it is not easy to regenerate or recycle these solar panels. But the question arises that what is the need to recycle these solar panels? Solar panels can be destroyed by the natural disaster, if interior wires are not installed properly causing a short circuit. PV cells if damaged or stop working the material energy used to manufacture them will not be lost. Approximate age guarantee of PV cells is 25 to 30 years. Eventually after 10 years its efficiency decreases by 10%, after 20 years its efficiency get down by 20%. Thus, PV cycle goes through recycling process to reuse the components.
The PV panel waste on regulatory aspect comes under general waste. But an exception occurs at EU level here these PV panel waste are stated as e-waste in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. Those who manufacture solar cells are bound by certain laws so that they fulfil recycling standards and legal requirements, as to not become a burden on the environment later on. Hence, recycling of solar panels is necessary.
There are two type solar panels i.e. Silicon based and Non Silicon based. Both types of solar panels can be recycled through different approaches.
Silicon based recycling process
All the PV modules are collected and transported to specialised sections toseparate the waste materials. Different kinds of wastes are separated such as plastic, glass, metal etc. Conveyer belts are used to transport these separated wastes to the plant. Further wastes are sorted through hands for better separation.
Through this method 95% of the glass and aluminium parts are separated. Then the remaining parts are gone through thermal processing where silicon and plastic are separated. Silicon wafers are dipped in chemical baths or high tech light sensitive sorting technique, depending on the PV technique used in installation of PV cells. It is further refined till it is safe for new product.

Non Silicon based recycling process
All the PV modules are broken down very harshly. They are hammered till the pieces are not more than 4mm in size. These pieces of PV modules consists both solid and liquid particles. Then it goes through a rotating screw in which all the liquid get dripped to a container and solid particles are kept in the rotating tube of screw.
For ensuring the purity of liquid it goes through precipitation and dewatering process. As soon a new substance is generated it goes to metal processing for proper separation of semiconductors. This technique totally depends on the technique used to install the PV cell. But it results in 95% semiconductor purification.
Solid materials present in the tube are contaminated with inter layers. They are separated through vibration and glass is obtained. Then it goes through rinsing and thus pure glass is obtained, producing 90% glass elements.
Thus, solar panels can be recycled.



To study the role of big data in fashion industry, let us first be clear about the term ‘Big data’. Big Data is originally a business term-which involves major things like capturing the data, storing, analyzing, transferring and sharing the data.
It is not based on traditional systems of collecting the data. It has complex challenges like studying consumer behavior and needs.
Now, fashion is a big term itself! There is always something to be updated about in fashion industry. Every day, every minute it’s changing. It has become very difficult for to cope up with the changing needs and desires of customers’ preferences. 
So, big data allows major fashion houses/industries to analyze customer’s taste and preferences in general, and also to analyze their demand from the retailers in the terms of material, design and price. The data collected is used to find ‘customized design’ for every buyer, irrespective of the fact that the customer is a fashion leader or a follower!
Today, the complexity is to cater to the needs of the buyer-whether or not he had any knowledge about the type of silhouette suits his/her body type, which color suits a specific skin tone. What is the color of the year, etc?
These specifications can only be known to a fashion enthusiast, a designer or major fashion houses.
In simplest terms, Big data role is to study and analyze all these factors at a far deeper level and end up resulting in customer satisfaction through customization of  their needs as far as possible and of course, to facilitate retailers or other fashion industries.

Role of Big Data and Analysis in Healthcare

                        Role of Big Data and Analysis in Healthcare

Have you ever wondered if you don’t need to visit a hospital or a doctor for the treatment regarding a disease or even if it is suspected right on time?

Think about the largest car company in the world! It’s Uber, which doesn’t even own a single car. The biggest medical systems in the future will own no hospitals. It’s going to be devices which will monitor a patient’s health simultaneously for 24 hours a day. It will bring about the signs of an emerging disease and alert the patient to act on it immediately.

Now big data and analytics do just the right thing for you!
Big data and Analytics are going to help by gaining a deeper insight into a patient’s health and give exceptional results.
Let us make it simpler and understand how it actually works.
For example, a patient is suffering from diabetes and has also symptoms like irritation and stress. Now, Big Data and Analytics are going to help his physician in a way that he would have patient’s 360° view of his healthcare history. This will include his:-
1. Diet
2. Appointments
3. Exercise
4. Lab test results.
5. Vitals
6. Prescriptions
7. Treatments
8. Allergies

Now based on the lab test reports, eating habits and psychological condition of the patient, a doctor can personalize a health wellness program for his patient. Electronic gadgets will play an important role in a patient’s treatment. The devices for example :- Mobile, smart watch, tablet or a laptop will keep a track of patient’s all physical activities and share information with his physician, as the patient follows his health wellness program. Now a patient’s health information will help his physician to make a change in his health wellness program as and when required.

Big Data and Analytics will revolutionize the healthcare sector in the future to come by creating algorithms to detect and treat diseases.

Thursday, 7 June 2018



       Big data is a stream of abstract information, highly voluminous in size, generated every single second at an alarming rate that cannot be analysed by hand database and traditional software. Big data includes all kind of data sets from internal as well as external sources such as customer cares, social media, billing, market research etc.According to IDC these data sets are increasing exponentially from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes in the period of 2013 to 2020.
       Analysing such a large amount of inconsistent and uncertain data so that it is useful for both customer and company using parallel computing tools is known as BIG DATA ANALYSIS. 
        Large amount of data is surely a challenge, but to make it as an opportunity is what companies do to make profit.
                 “when life throws you lemon, make lemonade”.
So big data is used for generate high profits. Big data analytics constitutes DATA WAREHOUSE, SECURITY OF USER DATA, MINING OF DATA (keeping only useful information), ANALYSING and REPORTING.
      If we talk about retail, it is the biggest revenue generating industry. Thus, retail industry focuses on big data analysis to increase its profit. To achieve the big data analytics, it collects big data.
     Now what is big data in terms of retail companies? Thousands of times people visit companies such as amazon, flip kart, myntra etc. each time you visit a site you search for the product you want to purchase (search history is stored), checkout several products, you have your purchase history, along with your personal details etc. these all are data that the retail company collects.Then the company mine the useful data and then analyse it properly.
Now the question arises how does big data analysis helps the company?
·    This helps the company in predicting what the customer is interested in, and what he is going to order next which indeed leads to customer satisfaction and customer faith and thus increases repeat business.
·     Faster and accurate decision making by analysing the data is another way to increase the profit.
·      At the time of peak season knowing about the customer needs, providing exact material on time, accurate stocking of material according to the season helps in gaining profit.
·     Offering gift vouchers to the regular customer at time of off season and peak season can help in large sales and repeat business.
·    A promotional message to customer who visits the retailer offering off or let the customer know about the new products is a good way of analysing big data and increasing sales.
·     Taking feedback from the customer after sales and then implementing that data in future deliveries is one of the best ways for big data analysis.
·     Using social media company can get to know about the customer preferences and ongoing trends in the society hence, increasing the stock and leading to customer satisfaction and profit earning of company.
·   Market research can get a large amount of data and thereafter analysing it properly and implementing can increase the no. of customers.
·        Considering pricing all over the world and then implementing in your site can help company to gain large profit and gain high traffic.
·        Big data helps to edge the competitions in the market.

     To conclude we can say that collecting large amount of data, mining it, and analysing the data thereof is called as big data analysis. It is used by companies to increase the market value. Moreover, big data analytics is one of the best way to increase repeat business to the company which helps in customer satisfaction and indeed leads to gain profit.

Countries and Capitals

Short Tricks to Memorize Countries and Capitals ! ! 👉 Country name and Capital name are same ·        Mexico – Mexico City ·  ...